Read this Before Starting an eCommerce Website

There’s nothing more rewarding starting a business from nothing and watching it grow. You build it up and no one can take it from you.


Building an ecommerce business takes more than choosing a brand name, writing product listings, and starting to sell products online. Here’s what you should know before starting an eCommerce website in Warrnambool.


What is an eCommerce website?

eCommerce stands for electronic commerce is the process of displaying, selling and accepting payment for products and services via the web. It doesn’t matter whether you sell dresses and t-shirts or e-books and digital music. If a customer wishes to purchase from your website, you will need an eCommerce website.


What sort of products can I sell on my eCommerce website?

It doesn’t matter what type of business you undertake or what type of products you wish to sell online (so long as it’s legal). Some of the most popular types of eCommerce websites sell clothes, accessories, electronics, homewares, books and almost EVERY physical product available. But it doesn’t stop there, you can also sell downloadable products such as music, e-books, white papers and more. But wait there’s more! You can also sell your services to online users, including, consulting services, coaching, or services that you deliver in store. The possibilites are endless!


How many products can I sell on my eCommerce website?

How many have you got? Once again the possibilities are endless! WestVic Web has created eCommerce websites that feature half a dozen products & eCommerce websites that feature over 100 products. The choice is yours!




How will customers pay for products online?

All the popular payment methods are available to your customers. PayPal, credit card, direct transfer, or even pay on pickup or delivery. We recommend using PayPal for security and peace of mind. Plus these days, who doesn’t have a PayPal account?


Can I update & add products myself?

YES! Every single eCommerce website we create at WestVic Web, YOUR local Web Design Company in Warrnambool, features a user-friendly Content Management System (CMS) that makes it simple and straightforward to add, edit and update your entire product catalogue. The best part is, we provide FREE training to help you get on your feet sooner and start making money from the web!


How is shipping calculated?

There are a variety of shipping options to suit your individual requirements. You can choose from FREE shipping, flat rate shipping, or shipping via weight, distance or product type. You can even post internationally if your overseas customers love your products as much as your local customers.


This all sounds great! How do I start an eCommerce website?

The team at WestVic Web have prepared a step-by-step guide on Starting an eCommerce Website. We’ve covered everything from content management systems, pricing options and ensuring your product pages are retail ready. Be sure to check it out today and best of luck starting your next online venture.


Get in touch with Warrnambool’s premier Web Design & Online Marketing Company, WestVic Web, to discuss your next project. We would love to hear from you!

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