What is an SEO Keyword Strategy?

Without SEO keyword research as a guide, your website runs the risk of not being found by potential customers who are actively searching for your exact products and services right now.


But how do you know what keywords you should be targeting on your website?

What are your customers actually searching for?

What search terms will generate more website traffic, leads and ultimately revenue for your business?


Our Warrnambool SEO experts have developed a comprehensive SEO keyword strategy that will help your business attract a steady stream of wallets-out, ready to buy online customers.


Read on to discover how we identity and optimise search terms for your website.


A strong marketing plan draws shoppers to the top of a purchase funnel and then guides them through the rest of their purchase process. When this takes place online, keywords and content are the main guides that take customers on their journey.


We can optimise your SEO customer acquisition strategy today


In order to deliver increased search engine visibility and reduce the reliance on branded traffic, we recommend implementing a comprehensive keyword optimisation strategy that focuses on 3 key pillars:


Optimising Informational SEO Keywords


The buyer’s journey starts with the awareness phase. Customers are just beginning to realise they need a product or service to make their lives easier or to solve a problem.

To help them find what they need, customers conduct searches using industry terms and informational phrases like:


  • How do/does
  • How can I
  • What is/are
  • What are the benefits of
  • Ways to
  • Guide
  • How to
  • Tutorial
  • Best
  • Cheap
  • Alternatives
  • Compare
  • Improve


To capture the attention of potential buyers in this phrase, create content that is positioned around informational phrases and keywords related to your products, services, industry, and value propositions.


Then, deliver the content to shoppers through the mediums that are most useful in this phase. The most effective content types in the awareness phase include blog posts, infographics, videos, guides, checklists, and interactive content.




Optimising Navigational SEO Keywords


The next phase of the buyer’s journey is the consideration phase. Customers have already started to assess their options. They have gathered information and are ready to research specific products, services, or brands.


Rather than type in the exact URL of a website, customers in this phase use search terms they know will lead them to the intended webpages. These search queries include a variety of brand-specific terms and navigational phrases which may include:


  • [Brand name]
  • [Product name]
  • [Service name]
  • Location of
  • Near me
  • Features of
  • Cost of
  • Hours of
  • Directions to
  • Reviews
  • Free shipping
  • Prices


Shoppers in this phase are looking for information about a particular brand or offering, so target branded keywords that help them find your website, products, and services.


Create content that will both lead potential buyers to your page and provide the information they need about your product or service. Develop landing pages, case studies, product demo videos, product and service lists, spec sheets and guides that relate to your navigational keywords.


Optimising for navigational keywords is less about finding keywords (as is typically the case with informational and transactional keywords) and more about optimising your site.


You should identify navigational keywords that relate to your business, create pages around those buyer keywords, and then ensure that customers find exactly what they are looking for when they arrive on those pages, to shorten the journey from click to conversion.


Optimising Transactional SEO Keywords


The last phase of the buyer’s journey ends with the conversion phase. This is the point at which customers are ready to take action, where they want to buy from your business.


To get to pages where they can take action, searchers use buyer intent keywords that often include action phrases or sales terms paired with general product names or branded terms. Transactional buyer keywords often include phrases like:


  • Buy
  • Coupons
  • Clearance
  • Deals
  • Discount
  • For sale
  • Order
  • Purchase
  • Special
  • Where to buy


Use and optimise your website for the buyer keywords most likely to connect with searchers in each phase of their buyer journey. Utilise informational, navigational, and transactional keywords to inform, guide, and direct at each step.

Don’t want to get lost on the search results page? Let an experienced SEO company in Warrnambool providing world-class SEO services teach you the tricks of the trade for a comprehensive keyword list.

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